Daniel Csigirinszkij Coaches Local Students at Youth Law Fair Mock Trial
On March 16, Daniel Csigirinszkij volunteered at the 25th annual Melvin R. Wright Youth Law Fair, preparing and leading a group of students in a mock trial. The Youth Law Fair, co-hosted by the D.C. Superior Court and D.C. Bar, provides a day-long experience for over 150 local middle school and high school students to learn about the judicial system, interact with attorneys, and gain hands-on experience in a mock trial.
For many students, the mock trial was the highlight of the day, where they stepped into the roles of judge, jury, witness, prosecution, and defense. This year’s theme was “Carjacking: A Ride You Can’t Afford to Take.” Volunteer lawyers, including Daniel, coached students in trial techniques and procedure, answered questions about the legal profession and judicial system, and assisted during the trial. After the trial, a full jury, also comprised of students, delivered the verdict.
The event was fulfilling to both students and lawyers, providing inspiration, encouragement, and wisdom on a sunny day at the Superior Court. Click here for more detail on the event.